Tuesday, March 2, 2010

True Love

True Love

heartlight, daniel, b,, holeman

True love is living responsibly and in harmony with nature.
True love is treating others with the same respect with which we would like to be treated. True love is teaching our children to behave responsibly.
True love sometimes means sacrificing and doing without.
True love is not getting something because someone else has it, but learning to be happy with what you have.
True love is not asking for everything you want, but asking for what you need when you need it.
True love is giving of yourself without expecting return from others.
True love is accepting the gifts of others so that they may feel the happiness that comes from giving.
True love is sharing and discussing ideas freely so that we may both teach and learn.
True love is helping those in need simply because they need it.
True love is giving those you love the freedom to grow and learn for themselves.
True love is being slow to anger and quick to forgive.
True love is sometimes tough, but not cruel, so that those who have done wrong may learn their lessons and not repeat them.
True love is providing for others, but not forgetting to provide for yourself, lest others be forced to provide for you.
True love tries to understand differences and gain understanding, working on solutions that will be mutually reasonable.
True love tries to forget the transgressions of the past as long as they are not often repeated.
True love is learning from your mistakes and doing your best not to make those same mistakes in the future.
True love is seeking within so that your light may shine without.
True love is letting go of fear and facing your fate bravely.
These are just some of the many things that one can say about true love.

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