Saturday, September 14, 2013

War or Peace? - A message to my fellow Christians

AAs Christians we are supposed to fight a spiritual fight for peace, not a physical one.  Even as the signs or "birth pains" point to Christ's return, we are to continue steadfastly to work for peace, feed and clothe the poor, and show others God's love.

Jesus never promoted violence.  He told us to love even our enemies and to turn the other cheek.  He didn't condemn people but brought his message of love and peace so that others might be saved.  He even saved and befriended a prostitute.

Jesus didn't separate himself from others but associated with prostitutes, tax collectors, barkeeps (publicans), the sick, lepers, the possessed, and the dispossessed.  He sent his message not only to the Jews but also to the Gentiles.  He didn't show disrespect to people of other faiths but encouraged them to follow him.  This is far from the Hellfire and brimstone attacks that occur at the hands of well meaning Christians.  The condemnation is what drives so many away from the good news that Jesus brought us.  Instead of rallying for war, we should love our enemies and call them to peace.  We should give credit where credit is due and I feel that we should give credit to Putin for helping to avert WWIII.  If we acknowledge the good in our enemies, they might come to acknowledge the good in us, forming a cornerstone for peace between our countries.  Don't forget that Russia was our ally in WWII and helped us to defeat the Nazis.  Remember, Jesus said, "Blessed be the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God."  Spread peace my friends.s Christians we are supposed to fight a spiritual fight for peace, not a physical one.  Even as the signs or "birth pains" point to Christ's return, we are to continue steadfastly to work for peace, feed and clothe the poor, and show others God's love.

Jesus never promoted violence.  He told us to love even our enemies and to turn the other cheek.  He didn't condemn people but brought his message of love and peace so that others might be saved.  He even saved and befriended a prostitute.

Jesus didn't separate himself from others but associated with prostitutes, tax collectors, barkeeps (publicans), the sick, lepers, the possessed, and the dispossessed.  He sent his message not only to the Jews but also to the Gentiles.  He didn't show disrespect to people of other faiths but encouraged them to follow him.  This is far from the Hellfire and brimstone attacks that occur at the hands of well meaning Christians.  The condemnation is what drives so many away from the good news that Jesus brought us.  Instead of rallying for war, we should love our enemies and call them to peace.  We should give credit where credit is due and I feel that we should give credit to Putin for helping to avert WWIII.  If we acknowledge the good in our enemies, they might come to acknowledge the good in us, forming a cornerstone for peace between our countries.  Don't forget that Russia was our ally in WWII and helped us to defeat the Nazis.  Remember, Jesus said, "Blessed be the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God."  Spread peace my friends.

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