The CAT Scan of my brain showed some atrophy but no blockage or other problems. Atrophy? Does that mean I'm not exercising my brain enough? If I exercised it anymore it would surely explode. That's all I DO is think
Maybe I'm thinking about the wrong things? I haven't done any math for awhile and I quit thinking about sex altogether. SEX! THAT must be it. It's not NORmal for a man not to think about sex... not that I was normal, but I DID used to think about sex... a lot! Let that be a lesson to you men. If you stop thinking about sex your brain will atrophy!
I don't think it's lack of brain use that is causing the problem.
ReplyDeleteHave you been boxing?
I haven't fought since I was in my 30s. Perhaps the lack fnblood flow to my heart? At least the stent opened things up a bit and my heart is getting some nourishing blood. Perhaps that and my future procedures will help even more?