I had
moved back to Longview.My mother had to go into the hospital up
there. There were a bunch
of teenagers were in the house all playing different music on their new
cell phones which made it hard to understand what the hospital was
saying but they wouldn't take my mother into the hospital without a credit card or debit card. They had to have my debit card so I had to drive back to get it.
When I got back to Magnolia, the phone was out so I drove to the McLean's old house
in Houston and the McLeans were there and decided that they wanted to go with me. I drove back to get
my grandfather (all three are long dead) and found out that my mother
was out of the hospital. I went and got her
and took my mom home then for some reason the McLeans, my grandfather,
and I wanted to go to my house in Texas City. We decided to rent a
helicopter because we didn't think we were going to make it in time. I
don't know who I called, but I called someone and there was a helicopter
in the parking lot. We got in and I was piloting since I was the only
one who had even flown a simulator before. I took off and we were
flying up I 45 N.
We got almost to my house in Texas City and I
had lost direction and somehow ended up almost over Galveston.
Suddenly, we were over the 610 loop again and ran out of gas. The lady who played Deanna Troi was somehow aboard suddenly and I asked
her to put my cell phone in the compartment in the visor. As she did
so, she fell out and I made a daring sweep allowing her to grab the
landing gear and set her on a grain silo where she ripped her clothes
off, allowing her to grab a light pole with her torn uniform, then
swinging to the top of the silo in safety. She made some remark about
having that uniform since the beginning the series then said something
about never liking that uniform anyway.
We continued on and
an updraft took us high in the air. I figured that if we couldn't land
close to a gas station it would be a big problem to get the helicopter
back to the heliport. We were high in the air and somewhere over the
ship channel and we were slowly descending due to the counter rotation
of the helicopter blades. The whole helicopter sequence seemed to last for hours.
I was trying to hit the Gulf Freeway
and maybe pick up a ride on a flatbed but that wasn't to be. I suddenly
noticed a hand crank just under the blades and started cranking out the
blades but that left us with no control since I was now having to steer
with a straight rod not unlike the end of one side of a bicycle handle.
I gave up on trying to maneuver to the Gulf Freeway but didn't want to
put down in the Ship Channel because of its depth. I was trying to put
down in a sand yard to soften our landing somewhat and everyone was
screaming that we weren't going to make it as I reassured them we would.
(mind you the helicopter wasn't obeying the laws of aerodynamics) and I
was beginning the descent deciding to brake by steering against the
strong crosswind.
I woke up covered in sweat.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
9/11, 9/11
I know that some of my friends will dismiss this all as "conspiracy theory," and maybe they're right... but it doesn't hurt to look at a few facts just for kicks. There were a couple things that occurred on 9/11. No, not just the twin towers and building 7. There was something else that happened on 9/11 of 1990 when G.H.W. Bush was president.
When I heard this broadcast on television, I though all of the Christian Right preachers would be against it since a one world order is mentioned in the bible about the rise of the Antichrist and the Beast. I went to talk to a few Christian Right leaders about it and they SUPPORTED it. I was shocked. I guess changing the word from "one" that their preachers taught about to "new" fooled them.
7 It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. 8 All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world.[a]
9 Whoever has ears, let them hear.
"The Arctic vortex is not new , during the "dark Ages" there was also Arctic Vortex and arctic surges , they started slow then rapidly grew in strength and duration until the Mini Ice Age was brought about .The dark Ages we called that because Growing food was scarce and infrequent due to sudden freezes and rain saturation , diseases that destroyed complete food crops in huge areas , the Black Plague , well that was caused by unsanitary reasons , you were safest simply by using a well used horse blanket wrapped around yourself . Funny as it sounds , the Horse Does not Have Fleas, and the people that collected bodies of the plague dead didn't get the plague because no fleas to bite them . So IF they say the environment is recovering its false , its just started to repair itself at a very high human cost , after all its a human cause. By the way , in India cultures are being systematically slaughtered and poisoned . doesn't sound bad does it. remember the documentaries of water buffalos crossing rivers? crocodiles or alligators chowing down , plus water buffalo are terrible swimmers . At the end of travel the same dead and rotting buffalo carcasses collect in pools of the river , Vultures being great in number were in control of sanitation , at a time it was enough .But now the buffalo sit and rot making huge moving pools of bacteria and diseases floating down river as the carcasses rot away , because someone is systematically removing the one thing that kept disease down .Already the disease effect has shown up in India , But that was a special on the history and the discovery channels . just a thought to make you wonder... why someone would want to cause a diseased country that has :"International implications by travel and movement of people possibly carrying disease?? wasn't there something about population reduction , because a smaller population is easier to control? are we thinking yet? if you "Connect The Dots" the NWO or New World Order plan appears to be right on track , add agenda 21 where the rich or corporations are the only land owners and we the people live in cement apartments of 2 room shoeboxes . maybe a rethink of who exactly We The People are , and who is paying the corrupted prostitutes in congress , it just might be the Pimps that redirected the cash using insider trading and market manipulation , land grabs , predatory mortgages , predatory loans , like "Reverse mortgages " that bank of America is already Foreclosing on , ,, FORECLOSING ON A REVERSE MORTGAGE?? hmm you own it until you die or leave ?? you get $60,000.00 in assets as a loan or reverse mortgage BUT to buy it back will cost you or your family $260,000.00 or more because in the small print there is an adjusted interest rate that makes sure the banks retain ownership . Eminent domain in the future will be used to build mass housing , you no longer own your land , if oil is found or minerals that a corporation wants is found on your land YOU DO NOT SELL IT BECAUSE YOU DO NOT OWN THE OIL OR MINERAL DEPOSITS . Funny how the new world order is already here [sic]"
When I heard this broadcast on television, I though all of the Christian Right preachers would be against it since a one world order is mentioned in the bible about the rise of the Antichrist and the Beast. I went to talk to a few Christian Right leaders about it and they SUPPORTED it. I was shocked. I guess changing the word from "one" that their preachers taught about to "new" fooled them.
Revelation 13:7-10
New International Version (NIV)
9 Whoever has ears, let them hear.
This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God’s people.
- Revelation 13:8 Or written from the creation of the world in the book of life belonging to the Lamb who was slain
- Revelation 13:10 Some manuscripts anyone kills
- Revelation 13:10 Jer. 15:2
The bible is usually referring to a country when it speaks of things. Currently, the United States is the largest military power in the world. It has involved itself in the affairs of every country in the world. It would make sense that, at least if it is to occur at this time, that the United States would be the one with the power to wage war against all nations.
The bible makes another statement about the Antichrist.
Matthew 24:23-24
King James Version (KJV)
23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
This is why I have little faith in the Christian Right. Matthew 24:24 says, at the end of the statement that "if it were possible" the elect would be deceived. I take that to mean that it is not possible to deceive the elect and therefore feel that those who were deceived couldn't be the elect. Of course, there are many other reasons for not trusting the Christian Right since they support war, starving the poor, and other anti-Christian values, but this really made it stick out in my head. If they were fooled by something blatantly obvious as this and even supported it, there's something wrong.
Now, I'm not saying that the two events were related but I'm not saying that they weren't either. One person on Facebook made the following statements.
"The Arctic vortex is not new , during the "dark Ages" there was also Arctic Vortex and arctic surges , they started slow then rapidly grew in strength and duration until the Mini Ice Age was brought about .The dark Ages we called that because Growing food was scarce and infrequent due to sudden freezes and rain saturation , diseases that destroyed complete food crops in huge areas , the Black Plague , well that was caused by unsanitary reasons , you were safest simply by using a well used horse blanket wrapped around yourself . Funny as it sounds , the Horse Does not Have Fleas, and the people that collected bodies of the plague dead didn't get the plague because no fleas to bite them . So IF they say the environment is recovering its false , its just started to repair itself at a very high human cost , after all its a human cause. By the way , in India cultures are being systematically slaughtered and poisoned . doesn't sound bad does it. remember the documentaries of water buffalos crossing rivers? crocodiles or alligators chowing down , plus water buffalo are terrible swimmers . At the end of travel the same dead and rotting buffalo carcasses collect in pools of the river , Vultures being great in number were in control of sanitation , at a time it was enough .But now the buffalo sit and rot making huge moving pools of bacteria and diseases floating down river as the carcasses rot away , because someone is systematically removing the one thing that kept disease down .Already the disease effect has shown up in India , But that was a special on the history and the discovery channels . just a thought to make you wonder... why someone would want to cause a diseased country that has :"International implications by travel and movement of people possibly carrying disease?? wasn't there something about population reduction , because a smaller population is easier to control? are we thinking yet? if you "Connect The Dots" the NWO or New World Order plan appears to be right on track , add agenda 21 where the rich or corporations are the only land owners and we the people live in cement apartments of 2 room shoeboxes . maybe a rethink of who exactly We The People are , and who is paying the corrupted prostitutes in congress , it just might be the Pimps that redirected the cash using insider trading and market manipulation , land grabs , predatory mortgages , predatory loans , like "Reverse mortgages " that bank of America is already Foreclosing on , ,, FORECLOSING ON A REVERSE MORTGAGE?? hmm you own it until you die or leave ?? you get $60,000.00 in assets as a loan or reverse mortgage BUT to buy it back will cost you or your family $260,000.00 or more because in the small print there is an adjusted interest rate that makes sure the banks retain ownership . Eminent domain in the future will be used to build mass housing , you no longer own your land , if oil is found or minerals that a corporation wants is found on your land YOU DO NOT SELL IT BECAUSE YOU DO NOT OWN THE OIL OR MINERAL DEPOSITS . Funny how the new world order is already here [sic]"
is when Insider trading was in full force . we were being ripped of ,
our homes businesses and everything we hold dear was being taken from us
, by a corrupted congress and a wall street and banks . G Dubya Sr was
at this time working a personal deal
with the arabs that Karl Rove , Donald Rumsfeld and dick cheney as well
as Bush's advisor / lawyer made $1.1 billion while he was seated in the
oval office . how about a conflict of interest , that was just one of
his side deals . isn't it supposed to be full time being president or
was that argument for everyone else like cheney [sic]"
This is obviously someone who IS into conspiracy theorist, but not all theories are incorrect. Much of Science is theory. Isn't
it interesting that it was the Saudi Arabians who supposedly flew the
attack on 9/11/2001 yet it was blamed on Iraq? Osama bin Laden was a
member of the family that financed G.W. Bush's oil business and probably
his run for presidency. It's all seems to be a scam and people are too stupid or too high minded to
see through it. Perhaps those who reject it are pushing the "New World Order" themselves. Who knows?
Monday, January 13, 2014
About My Life Story and Other Things - A Rant
I was
writing my life story for someone who promised to pay me once I had
it written and sent to him, then I realized that for the past
thirteen years I've been working my ass off for people and never got
paid as was promised. I have now resolved myself not to work
for anyone without a contract. I will still write my life
story, but without a legal binding promise of payment, I will not
release it to any publisher. I will not write music and make
trailers for Indie movies for people who make promises that they
don't deliver after they have the completed work suited to their
desires. I want a legally binding contract first. I will
not work 32 hours straight most days of the week for two or more
years on a concert festival and not get paid. I want a legally
binding contract first. Thirteen years. Yes, I'm a little
slow. I've finally learned though. I've worked on
everything from political campaigns to the Woodstock 40th Anniversary
to writing for online magazines and humor sites to writing music and
making trailers for Indie movies. I have not received one cent
or one thing as compensation.
When I work, I work hard on what I do. I don't appreciate people stealing it just because I'm poor and cannot afford a lawyer to sue. I'm tired of paying dues to ASCAP when they don't do as they promised and defend me when someone steals my music. I'm totally fed up with all the rich who feel entitled to steal from the poor then turn around and laugh at them and belittle them for being poor. I'm fed up! It's about time I was though.
I have been suffering severe pain and illness as I did all this work. I worked most days endlessly trying to get the work accomplished, having to run to the bathroom with diarrhea as my “breaks,” yet the people who promised to pay me for my services never came through, not with one thing. I never asked for help but when someone offered and I reluctantly and gratefully accepted, they never came through either.
I have resolved myself to no longer be a doormat making money for others and never receiving compensation. Not just because my religion dictates that a worker is deserving of his pay but also because it's common decency to pay someone for the work they do for you. Why others feel they deserve to take from people and not pay them for their work is beyond me. They claim they worked hard to get where they are but all they did was work hard at stealing the work of others. They deserve to be locked up somewhere and the key be thrown away, not given bonuses and pats on the back for stealing. Meanwhile, I sit here in a house that needs serious repair and making do and appreciating the things that I have as I battle for my life with my heart and my impending stomach cancer. I wonder how they sleep at night? Is it my dementia or have I just gained some common sense?
When I work, I work hard on what I do. I don't appreciate people stealing it just because I'm poor and cannot afford a lawyer to sue. I'm tired of paying dues to ASCAP when they don't do as they promised and defend me when someone steals my music. I'm totally fed up with all the rich who feel entitled to steal from the poor then turn around and laugh at them and belittle them for being poor. I'm fed up! It's about time I was though.
I have been suffering severe pain and illness as I did all this work. I worked most days endlessly trying to get the work accomplished, having to run to the bathroom with diarrhea as my “breaks,” yet the people who promised to pay me for my services never came through, not with one thing. I never asked for help but when someone offered and I reluctantly and gratefully accepted, they never came through either.
I have resolved myself to no longer be a doormat making money for others and never receiving compensation. Not just because my religion dictates that a worker is deserving of his pay but also because it's common decency to pay someone for the work they do for you. Why others feel they deserve to take from people and not pay them for their work is beyond me. They claim they worked hard to get where they are but all they did was work hard at stealing the work of others. They deserve to be locked up somewhere and the key be thrown away, not given bonuses and pats on the back for stealing. Meanwhile, I sit here in a house that needs serious repair and making do and appreciating the things that I have as I battle for my life with my heart and my impending stomach cancer. I wonder how they sleep at night? Is it my dementia or have I just gained some common sense?