Monday, January 13, 2014

About My Life Story and Other Things - A Rant

I was writing my life story for someone who promised to pay me once I had it written and sent to him, then I realized that for the past thirteen years I've been working my ass off for people and never got paid as was promised.  I have now resolved myself not to work for anyone without a contract.  I will still write my life story, but without a legal binding promise of payment, I will not release it to any publisher.  I will not write music and make trailers for Indie movies for people who make promises that they don't deliver after they have the completed work suited to their desires.  I want a legally binding contract first.  I will not work 32 hours straight most days of the week for two or more years on a concert festival and not get paid.  I want a legally binding contract first.  Thirteen years.  Yes, I'm a little slow.  I've finally learned though.  I've worked on everything from political campaigns to the Woodstock 40th Anniversary to writing for online magazines and humor sites to writing music and making trailers for Indie movies.  I have not received one cent or one thing as compensation.

When I work, I work hard on what I do.  I don't appreciate people stealing it just because I'm poor and cannot afford a lawyer to sue.  I'm tired of paying dues to ASCAP when they don't do as they promised and defend me when someone steals my music.  I'm totally fed up with all the rich who feel entitled to steal from the poor then turn around and laugh at them and belittle them for being poor. I'm fed up! It's about time I was though.

I have been suffering severe pain and illness as I did all this work. I worked most days endlessly trying to get the work accomplished, having to run to the bathroom with diarrhea as my “breaks,” yet the people who promised to pay me for my services never came through, not with one thing. I never asked for help but when someone offered and I reluctantly and gratefully accepted, they never came through either.

I have resolved myself to no longer be a doormat making money for others and never receiving compensation. Not just because my religion dictates that a worker is deserving of his pay but also because it's common decency to pay someone for the work they do for you. Why others feel they deserve to take from people and not pay them for their work is beyond me. They claim they worked hard to get where they are but all they did was work hard at stealing the work of others. They deserve to be locked up somewhere and the key be thrown away, not given bonuses and pats on the back for stealing. Meanwhile, I sit here in a house that needs serious repair and making do and appreciating the things that I have as I battle for my life with my heart and my impending stomach cancer. I wonder how they sleep at night?  Is it my dementia or have I just gained some common sense?


  1. The amazing part is that most people, no matter how much crap they pull on others, continue to think of themselves as the good guy. I am sure Hitler and Dahmer thought of themselves as protagonists.

    Your life story is yours and you should not let anyone else have it. You earned it.
