I thought Multiply's blogging feature was removed Dec. 1st. I'm glad to see that it hasn't yet been removed because this is the only site on which I can blog on with my cell. You guessed it. My computer is in the shop again so this phone is my only connection to the Internet.
In other news, one of my best friends since high school and I are getting along very well. I was extremely glad to find out that she didn't die in 2001 like I thought. She's the only woman who really knows what I'm like. We used to go on camping trips, fishing trips, and beach trips together as a group. We're looking forward to being together after her house goes through probate so she can leave Kentucky. She already has a buyer for her house lined up. I haven't been posting much on facebook because I've been busy talking to her.
Well, I'm off to see if I can copy and paste this to Blogspot.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Debate Coverage and Voting
As some of us know, the debate coverage has been manipulated by the corporate owned media to try to fool us into thinking that there are only two candidates running for the office of president. This is not true. In fact, there is a whole slew of candidates running for the presidency, though some are not going to be on the ballot in some states. That's right. A whole slew! Not half a slew or a quarter of a slew but an entire WHOLE SLEW. I would tell you how many, but I ran out of fingers and toes when I was trying to count them.
Yes folks. There are more than two candidates running for president. Of course, most of you have already voted so it's probably too late to do any research and change your vote. Most of you probably voted for Obama or Romney, either of which will yield the same results. There will be more tax breaks for the rich, more wars, more spying on American citizens, a more militant police force, and most likely the stripping of any rights and liberties we have left. Hurray for you for not "wasting your vote."
Me? I'm most likely going to vote for Dr. Jill Stein. I know that some who vote third party like Gary Johnson, probably because you want marijuana legalized or income tax abolished so you don't have the government paying for things like roads and education, but I find some of his positions on the issues unrealistic and harmful. Good for you for not voting for Obama or Romney, though. At least you were that smart.
Being a Texan, I don't like Dr. Jill Stein's positions on gun control. I think every God fearing Christian should be able to own as many M-16s, AK-47s, grenade launchers, tanks, and any other battle equipment as they can afford. We may as well throw in nuclear arms while we're at it. After all, there might be a chance that President Obama will get elected and we'll still have a black man in the White House. They called it the White House for a reason, you know. The only black people that should be in the White House should be indentured servants. If Obama does get re-elected we will HAVE to revolt and you can't do that with water pistols. Still, I agree with Dr. Jill Stein on most of the other issues so I reckon I'll vote for her.
I like to wait until election day to vote. Why? Well, you never know what new dirt might come out on the candidates at the last moment. For instance, we could find that President Obama really IS a Kenyan Commie Socialist or that Mitt Romney really has 72 wives. You know how those Mormons are... especially the ones who wear the magic underwear. We could find that Gary Johnson is a German Nazi spy or that Dr. Jill Stein is... God forbid... a LESBIAN! As for the rest of them, we'll never know because they don't seem to get any coverage at all. There's a possibility that they're aliens from the planet Nibiru.
If you don't vote at all, you may be the smartest yet. At least you won't be responsible for the cataclysm that will probably be caused no matter who you vote for. If you think we're screwed now, just wait another four years.
Yes folks. There are more than two candidates running for president. Of course, most of you have already voted so it's probably too late to do any research and change your vote. Most of you probably voted for Obama or Romney, either of which will yield the same results. There will be more tax breaks for the rich, more wars, more spying on American citizens, a more militant police force, and most likely the stripping of any rights and liberties we have left. Hurray for you for not "wasting your vote."
Me? I'm most likely going to vote for Dr. Jill Stein. I know that some who vote third party like Gary Johnson, probably because you want marijuana legalized or income tax abolished so you don't have the government paying for things like roads and education, but I find some of his positions on the issues unrealistic and harmful. Good for you for not voting for Obama or Romney, though. At least you were that smart.
Being a Texan, I don't like Dr. Jill Stein's positions on gun control. I think every God fearing Christian should be able to own as many M-16s, AK-47s, grenade launchers, tanks, and any other battle equipment as they can afford. We may as well throw in nuclear arms while we're at it. After all, there might be a chance that President Obama will get elected and we'll still have a black man in the White House. They called it the White House for a reason, you know. The only black people that should be in the White House should be indentured servants. If Obama does get re-elected we will HAVE to revolt and you can't do that with water pistols. Still, I agree with Dr. Jill Stein on most of the other issues so I reckon I'll vote for her.
I like to wait until election day to vote. Why? Well, you never know what new dirt might come out on the candidates at the last moment. For instance, we could find that President Obama really IS a Kenyan Commie Socialist or that Mitt Romney really has 72 wives. You know how those Mormons are... especially the ones who wear the magic underwear. We could find that Gary Johnson is a German Nazi spy or that Dr. Jill Stein is... God forbid... a LESBIAN! As for the rest of them, we'll never know because they don't seem to get any coverage at all. There's a possibility that they're aliens from the planet Nibiru.
If you don't vote at all, you may be the smartest yet. At least you won't be responsible for the cataclysm that will probably be caused no matter who you vote for. If you think we're screwed now, just wait another four years.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Christians and Forgiveness
Christians and Forgiveness
I've noticed that Christians who have atheists or people of other
religions as friends have been coming under attack lately. While
I know that many of my Atheist friends think that I'm insane for
believing in an "invisible man in the sky," I could just as easily
consider them fools for being so arrogant as to believe that
science has all the answers when science clearly does not have all
the answers for the human condition. They may mock me for
believing in material written by "ancient goat herders" and scorn
me because I know the bible wasn't completed during the life and
time of Christ and/or most of his Apostles, yet they fail to see that
science is, in itself, imperfect. After all, science once said that the
earth was flat and new theories are continually being developed
which replace old theories that they found to be flawed when they
find something explainable by the old theories. Still, I hang onto
these friends because I love them dearly and would like that
friendship to be eternal even though they believe that once you're
in the grave, that's it. Yes, that may be selfish of me, but I guess
I'm sort of a Stan Smith from American Dad, though I don't go
trying to destroy their lives to make them so miserable that the
only choice they have is to turn to God. That didn't work out so
well for Stan if you know the episode to which I am referring.
religions as friends have been coming under attack lately. While
I know that many of my Atheist friends think that I'm insane for
believing in an "invisible man in the sky," I could just as easily
consider them fools for being so arrogant as to believe that
science has all the answers when science clearly does not have all
the answers for the human condition. They may mock me for
believing in material written by "ancient goat herders" and scorn
me because I know the bible wasn't completed during the life and
time of Christ and/or most of his Apostles, yet they fail to see that
science is, in itself, imperfect. After all, science once said that the
earth was flat and new theories are continually being developed
which replace old theories that they found to be flawed when they
find something explainable by the old theories. Still, I hang onto
these friends because I love them dearly and would like that
friendship to be eternal even though they believe that once you're
in the grave, that's it. Yes, that may be selfish of me, but I guess
I'm sort of a Stan Smith from American Dad, though I don't go
trying to destroy their lives to make them so miserable that the
only choice they have is to turn to God. That didn't work out so
well for Stan if you know the episode to which I am referring.
I don't really hold much hope for any of them to change their
positions since they have their heels dug into their beliefs as
firmly as the Christian Right has their heels dug into the belief
of spreading the love of God by bombing the tar out of those who
believe differently than they do; however, I do hope that they can
see that I'm sincere in my beliefs and will perhaps one day at least
understand that I do appreciate them and at least understand
where I'm coming from.
positions since they have their heels dug into their beliefs as
firmly as the Christian Right has their heels dug into the belief
of spreading the love of God by bombing the tar out of those who
believe differently than they do; however, I do hope that they can
see that I'm sincere in my beliefs and will perhaps one day at least
understand that I do appreciate them and at least understand
where I'm coming from.
Some of them are straight, some are gay, and some are somewhere
in between. Some are rich, some are poor, and some of them have
serious illnesses. Still, I look at them as I believe that Jesus looked
upon the "sinners" he encountered. I may hate the sin but I love the
sinner... something which my fundamentalist past didn't really teach
me. Sure, they may spout the words, but most fundamentalists seem
to hate the sinner if they don't immediately accept Jesus into their
hearts after they quoted them the "Roman Road" a few times. As for
my friends of other religions, I try to respect their views even though
I may not agree with them on some of their points and practices.
in between. Some are rich, some are poor, and some of them have
serious illnesses. Still, I look at them as I believe that Jesus looked
upon the "sinners" he encountered. I may hate the sin but I love the
sinner... something which my fundamentalist past didn't really teach
me. Sure, they may spout the words, but most fundamentalists seem
to hate the sinner if they don't immediately accept Jesus into their
hearts after they quoted them the "Roman Road" a few times. As for
my friends of other religions, I try to respect their views even though
I may not agree with them on some of their points and practices.
Now, there are some people who are deliberately evil and try to
deceive others on a regular basis. Their whole purpose in life is
to try to make life miserable for others. For them, there is little I
can do but "shake the dust from my feet" and say a prayer
that they might learn somewhere down the road.
deceive others on a regular basis. Their whole purpose in life is
to try to make life miserable for others. For them, there is little I
can do but "shake the dust from my feet" and say a prayer
that they might learn somewhere down the road.
Matthew 10:14
New International Version (NIV)
14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to
your words, leave that home or town and shake the
dust off your feet.
your words, leave that home or town and shake the
dust off your feet.
I do stand up for my friends of other beliefs if I feel they are correct
on a point. Most religions, after all, have the same basic message of
trying to teach others to be kind toward others. It's generally the
distortion by those greedy for power who twist the original meaning
of the religion's figurehead or founder that cause atrocities such as
war, torture, burning people at the stake, and beheading them. That
universal truth is generally along the lines of the following verse.
1 John 4:8
New International Version (NIV)
8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because
God is love.
God is love.
Another relatively universal truth is along the lines of this verse.
Mark 12:30-31
New International Version (NIV)
30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your mind
and with all your strength.’[a] 31 The second
is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b]
There is no commandment greater than these.”
and with all your soul and with all your mind
and with all your strength.’[a] 31 The second
is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b]
There is no commandment greater than these.”
For those of us who truly follow Jesus, we have been given a new
John 13:34-35
New International Version (NIV)
34 “A new command I give you: Love one another.
As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
35 By this everyone will know that you are my
disciples, if you love one another.”
As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
35 By this everyone will know that you are my
disciples, if you love one another.”
Sometimes this commandment is the hardest for us to keep if we
are prone to hold grudges. After all, are we expected to love those
who have hurt us or deeply offended us? In short, yes.
are prone to hold grudges. After all, are we expected to love those
who have hurt us or deeply offended us? In short, yes.
Matthew 5:43-48
New International Version (NIV)
Love for Enemies
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your
neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell
you, love your enemies and pray for those who
persecute you, 45 that you may be children of
your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to
rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain
on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you
love those who love you, what reward will you
get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that?
47 And if you greet only your own people, what
are you doing more than others? Do not even
pagans do that? 48 Be perfect,therefore,
as your heavenly Father is perfect.
neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell
you, love your enemies and pray for those who
persecute you, 45 that you may be children of
your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to
rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain
on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you
love those who love you, what reward will you
get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that?
47 And if you greet only your own people, what
are you doing more than others? Do not even
pagans do that? 48 Be perfect,therefore,
as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Yes, as Christians, we are to love even those who have offended us
so badly that we consider them to be sworn enemies. That's not so
easy to do... especially when you would love nothing more than to
grab them by the throat and strangle them. It may take some time
to get to that point, but as you mature in Christ, you can learn to
do just that. It takes a lot of self-control and sacrifice, especially
if the deed they did to you was the most painful thing you have
ever experienced in your life. Even if that act was so unthinkable
in your mind that you can't fathom how they could have done such
a thing to you. Jesus gave us an example.
so badly that we consider them to be sworn enemies. That's not so
easy to do... especially when you would love nothing more than to
grab them by the throat and strangle them. It may take some time
to get to that point, but as you mature in Christ, you can learn to
do just that. It takes a lot of self-control and sacrifice, especially
if the deed they did to you was the most painful thing you have
ever experienced in your life. Even if that act was so unthinkable
in your mind that you can't fathom how they could have done such
a thing to you. Jesus gave us an example.
As Jesus hung on the cross after being mercilessly beaten and
having thorns thrust into his head, he said something of great
having thorns thrust into his head, he said something of great
Luke 23:34
New International Version (NIV)
34 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they
do not know what they are doing.”[a] And they
divided up his clothes by casting lots.
do not know what they are doing.”[a] And they
divided up his clothes by casting lots.
Even after all that was done to him even though he was innocent
of the charges against him, he found it in his heart to forgive those
who had wronged him so and put him to his death. Having a spouse
who cheated on you even with a relative or supposedly best friend
is nothing compared to what was done to the Son of God/Son of
Man, yet he saw fit to forgive them for sending him to his tortuous
death. Just as he did, we have to find it in our hearts to forgive
those who wronged us, no matter how difficult it may seem without
expectation of an apology. After all, Jesus not only didn't receive an
apology, rather a guard shoved a spear into his side?
of the charges against him, he found it in his heart to forgive those
who had wronged him so and put him to his death. Having a spouse
who cheated on you even with a relative or supposedly best friend
is nothing compared to what was done to the Son of God/Son of
Man, yet he saw fit to forgive them for sending him to his tortuous
death. Just as he did, we have to find it in our hearts to forgive
those who wronged us, no matter how difficult it may seem without
expectation of an apology. After all, Jesus not only didn't receive an
apology, rather a guard shoved a spear into his side?
John 19:34
New International Version (NIV)
34 Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’
side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of
blood and water.
side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of
blood and water.
What was done to us may have been as piercing as a sword in
the side to you, yet we are called to forgive those who wronged
us just as Christ forgave those who wronged him. It's a tall order,
but we can do it.
Philippians 4:13
New International Version (NIV)
13 I can do all this through him who gives me
Love, Hope, Peace, & Christ Be With You,
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Peace Day LIVE Feed is Now Up!
The following link will take you to the Peace Day LIVE feed.
Watch live streaming video from peacedaytv at livestream.com
Monday, September 24, 2012
Peace Day LIVE?
I've received a few update links from Aliza on the Peace Day LIVE event, which I had hoped would be a success, but either I can't see much of anything new on my computer and cell phone or there isn't much go9ing on with it. Of course, with the new announcement that Israel plans to attack Iran, the event may be off, at least the main event in Israel where it seems to be needed most besides here. According to the page here, the event was supposed to take place the last three days. I have heard nothing of it, though. I don't know if I just didn't get notified or if it didn't take place. Hopefully, I'll hear something soon.
Friday, June 8, 2012
What's Going On

I think writing music for Indie movies and videos is probably a good way to go. The price is normally $60 per page, but I think I should probably charge a little less for Indie movies since they often have problems raising funds. I really need to check to see what ASCAP rules are about that since I'm a member, though.
Right now, I'm trying to write some music that would be suitable for a Western movie. I've never written that style, so it's a fun challenge. I don't have any potential buyers for it at this time, but if I can do a good enough job, perhaps someone will want to use my music. I could really use the money since the dentist wants $3000 to pull my broken teeth and give me dentures. The price seems awfully high, but the dental school wants $150 a week and a commitment to keep going every week. The most I have left over after groceries and utilities is $200, but that generally gets eaten up by some unforeseen emergency.
I hope that I will be at least successful enough in this venture to gain a little capital. CD Baby is offering something for musicians to provide music for pay to people making videos, but they don't seem to spell out the details or the prices. That makes me think it may be too good to be true. Unfortunately, I'm pretty much an idiot when it comes to business and legalities and my head has been too foggy lately to read through everything I should be reading up on. At least I'm moving forward even if it's a step at a time.
I haven't been writing too much lately because it's a pain to do on the cell phone. I've been confined to bed so much lately that the cell phone has been my only option. Today I feel well enough to sit at the computer and type a little. Hopefully, my health will continue to improve.
One of the things I need to do is learn how to use blogger or blogspot as they seem to want to call it now. I've given up on Multiply changing their TOS. I'm getting to old to keep having to change sites.
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