Friday, February 28, 2014

America the Fre... scratch that.

Warning:  Freedom may be hazardous to your health.

You have to stop at checkpoints now and show your identification. That's something they told us that only Communist Russians did when I was in school. Cameras film everyones' every move. Everyones' phone calls and internet conversations are recorded and monitored. You can now be arrested and held indefinitely without any explanation of why they're holding you, without a lawyer, and without a trial... and they dare to call this a "Free country?"
Every time you give the government the right to take some freedom from somebody, they will eventually take that right from you. Every time you give up a little freedom, the government is going to ask you to give up a little MORE freedom. At this point in our country, I can very much relate to Martin Niemoller when he wrote the poem "First They Came."
"Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) was a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps.

Niemöller is perhaps best remembered for the quotation:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me."
Wake up America! The same thing is happening here... perhaps in smaller increments at a time, but it seems to be increasing exponentially.
You no longer have the right to remain silent. You no longer have the right to an attorney. Don't bother asking for one to be appointed. You don't have a right to a speedy trial by a jury of your peers. You do not have a right to feel secure in your own home as police can now enter and search without a warrant if anyone gives them permission to come in... even your two year old. You do not have a right to privacy. You do not have a right to your bodily fluids. Do you understand these lacks of rights as I have explained them to you?
You DO have the right to be killed for holding a coffee cup, a cell phone, or anything else that police might deem to be a "deadly weapon."

Cal Out

This 'n' That

I'm waiting to see most of my doctors at the beginning of the month and my stomach doctor in the middle of the month if I have enough money left.  I have to see the heart doctor first though to see if he will give me approval to have surgery to remove the precancerous tumour since it's too large to remove with a scope.  I don't know if the heart doctor will want to replace my faulty pacemaker first or not.  If they keep jacking around though, I'll end up with full blown stomach cancer.  It moves very rapidly.

Since I'm not going to have chemo, I figure I may last a little longer than the six months my late wife did.  I don't know.  I could be wrong.  I certainly know that I'm not going to have multiple surgeries.  They'll get one shot to remove it and if they don't get it, too bad.

I'm not looking forward to missing a huge hunk of my stomach so I have put on some extra pounds for the slow descent into skeletonhood.  That may help me hold off an extra month or two.  Diane was quite a bit overweight for her size when she got it though and she looked like a skeleton in about five months and was dead the sixth.

My computer is still out and my account is still about $260 overdrawn.  My mother keeps clicking on ads for medical equipment to "help me."  All she's doing is helping me into poverty for the remainder of my life.  It's a good thing it's going to be short.  She already took every bit of my extra money, charged to my account since her name is on it, to buy burial insurance.  If BP doesn't want to pay my life insurance then let the State bury me.  All I'[ll be is an empty husk.  My body will no longer be consuming food to create energy and all of my thoughts will cease, so who CARES what they do with my body.  Hell, they can just throw it in the trash can and roll it out to the street for all I care.  I can't even afford to buy all of my medications now that she bought the extra policy.  I guess she wants the BP money to go to my son.  It's not much, but it's enough to bury me. I think it's about $28,000. Why should I have to spend $150 a month on burial insurance when I already have an insurance policy I worked for for 15 years? My body is going to be nothing but an empty husk. I will have quit consuming food and my body will have stopped creating energy. My thought processes will have stopped. Hell, throw me in the trash can and wheel me out front or bury me in the back yard if you have to. I don't care. Quit depriving the worms of their food. Let my empty body decompose into oil and natural gas that people thousands of years into the future can fight over if mankind hasn't destroyed itself by then. I don't really care anymore. Since I have no Windows operating system I can't write music and it's extremely difficult to write on this laptop because of the damn mouse pad that they put right where you set your wrists. One slip an it deletes half a paragraph or more as just happened as I was typing this paragraph. I HATE having to retype.

I decided to give up on writing my life story since I can't afford to get my computer fixed. I'm sure the hard drive is fine but I don't know if it would work in a computer of another type or another speed and still retain the book and the music that I was working on. This is the FOURTH time I've tried to write a book and lost it because of computer failure. I give up. I give up on life, on love, on everything. May death come to me quickly!


Friday, February 14, 2014

Economic Woes in Venezuela

I was contacted yesterday by an old friend from Venezuela who used to come sing on my LiveVideo live show.  According to her, socialism isn't going so well there.  They are having economic woes just as we are and their protests are being met with violence by police which killed three students.  Here is how the conversation went:

hi cal how r u feeling did u heard th news from Venezuela no good here
this happened yesterday
anyway we are ok
Why were they being shot? What were they protesting?
im AFRAID ONE DAY govrment take off internet. president order to close a tv station becausethey were telling the truth about what happen
They're shooting students?
corrupt governance, high levels of violence & lack of security, and a crumbling economy more more
im so sad
That is not good. That happened here in the 60s.
Capitalism doesn't seem to be doing much better.
Where were you?
look the pics
they talked about socialism but all what they used is from capitalism, rolex, armani, iphone, etc etc
anyway hope u are doing well...
I will spread the story, pics, and video. The same thing is happening here n the U.S. I think it's happening most everywhere right now. It's worldwide economic collapse. I know it's happening in the U.K. These "Austerity" politics are hurting everyone but the rich.
I'm glad you're okay.
yes we are ok.. but this President suck... now the channels cant talk about whaty happene because they inmediately order to close, to take off the signal
3 students died, lots of hurt people, ad other disappear
take care, im not feeling well going to rest some...
I hope you feel better soon. I hope things get better there also. I'm glad I'm in the woods.
I spread on facebook and twitter. Google+ next.
Stay safe Peace!
They only killed one student here last year. They were using rubber bullets but one person died anyway.
yeeah me too Cal... i dont know how many ppl need to died...
but Nationals TV dont talk about this... u need to look on internet to know everything...
is so sad, young ppl losing life, here life's nothing
Yes, it is sad. We are having the same here. People are being kicked out of their homes then out of their tents when they try to set up tent cities.
I'm glad I'm not in the city anymore. I'm too old to stand up and fight.
Are they using real bullets there?
really did and salva too
I am so sad. It shouldn't happen.
im so sad for my country i really feel embarrasing
this should not happen.
This is not the country I grew up in. Things are getting terrible now. They say it's always darkest before the dawn though.
yes... god bless us...
Yes, may God bless each and every one of us. We all need His help right now.
take care Cal.... hope they dont take off our internet.,, they starting closing medias long time ago when Chavez was still alive, radio, tv, news televisions cant talk about this, because the goverment order to shut the signal
I am sorry. I hope they don't shut the internet. I did spread the news though.
like a famous channel,,, was closed Hugo Chavez orderd like 7 years ago, and still off goverment took their antennas, location all...
have a good day...!!
Six corporate stations bought up all of our news stations so they can control the news too. None of the Occupy protests are being broadcast.
You too and stay safe.
more pic
ughhhhh bbl
As you can see, Venezuela's socialism is no better than our capitalism as far as economic woes, corruption of government, and brutality against protesters goes.  "Austerity" seems to be the rule of the day worldwide.  At least other countries are standing up and trying to do something about it even though they're being met with force.

I haven't heard from my friend today so I hope she's alright.  You never know in a country so far away.  If I hear from her again, I will try to keep you updated.