Sunday, September 29, 2013

Capitalism is the Best? Eh... Not So Much

I was trying to have a conversation with someone about why Capitalism doesn't work as prescribed and this article pretty much sums up that conversation.  There is more I would like to add though.

The Big Flaw in Capitalism 

The problem with free market capitalism is that a very few will amass a large where of the market then use their power to keep smaller businesses from entering the market. This prevents Capitalism from working as prescribed. If a few large corporations join together and buy up all of the businesses so that no new competition can enter the market you no longer have Capitalism but a Corporate Oligarchy. That is what has happened because of the "deregulation" that so many Republicans have worked toward. That is why corporations are now considered people, their money is considered speech, and our votes don't count for squat unless we have the money that the large corporations and the top 2% have. Capitalism is good in theory, like any other system of government, but in practice things don't work the way they are supposed to. If someone tries to offer something new on the market so that people can have an affordable and better alternative, the large corporations either buy the new business and bury the patents or they defame and set up the owner so that the new business fails. Remember DeLorean?  Remember Tucker?  If you haven't seen this movie, I suggest you watch it.  Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988)  It will show you how major corporations squeeze out the little guy.  I also suggest watching The Corporation, a movie that will show you the legalities that drive them to be the blood suckers that they are.

If everyone was honest, free market capitalism might work, but, as we all know, not everyone is honest.  Someone will always find a way around laws that are supposed to keep the market fair and based upon supply and demand.  Theoretically, the person who makes the best product would rise to the top and people who make poorly crafted items would fall to the bottom.  Advertisement would be to let people know the features and specifications of the item(s) rather than all the glitz and glamor (and sex) that says "Buy!  Buy!  Buy!"  The information would be useful in making an intelligent decision on which product best suits your application and needs.

Since we know that not everyone is honest, the dishonest people will find a way to corner the market, to get around laws, to find loopholes with the help of their corporate lawyers, and end up with monopolies or at least oligarchies of the very few.  Examples are the "Big Three" automakers, Exon Mobil and BP (though BP may have effectively run itself out of the country now), the Sam's Club/Wal-Mart chains, and others.  Since they had enough capital to run the other companies out of business or buy the smaller companies, they can now inflate prices to whatever they want as long as someone can pay for their products.  With the current automotive industry offering few affordable clean energy alternatives and people have to drive to get to work, the oil companies have people over a barrel (excuse the pun).  People HAVE to buy gas to go to work so they can afford gas to keep going to work so they can put aside a meager amount to buy things that were meant only for the rich... like food, shelter, and clothing.  Now that the rich have bought the government, they want to take away our safety nets like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security... which, by the way, we paid for in a separate tax so is not part of the regular budget.  I won't even mention how they've already stolen a great portion of the FICA funds and haven't attempted to pay any of it back while they've taken out billions of dollars in loans to subsidize greedy bankers at the taxpayer's expense.  How did the bankers respond?  Why, they were grateful to the taxpayers and foreclosed on all the houses that they could so that the taxpayers wouldn't be burdened with the cost of maintaining a house.  After doing so, they had city governments make it illegal for the poor to camp in public parks because who wants to see poor, unwashed people starving to death?

There once were laws that heavily taxed corporations who sent jobs overseas.  There were once laws that somewhat prevented companies from joining together to overtake small businesses.  All that has been changed now thanks to "deregulation."  Yes, government subsidies helped the corporations, but you have to look at the root cause.  

 "There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." ~ Henry David Thoreau
There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.
There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.
There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.


What few regulations still exist are ever being turned to favor the large corporations.  That is the story of how Capitalism failed.

Cal Jennings

Saturday, September 14, 2013

War or Peace? - A message to my fellow Christians

AAs Christians we are supposed to fight a spiritual fight for peace, not a physical one.  Even as the signs or "birth pains" point to Christ's return, we are to continue steadfastly to work for peace, feed and clothe the poor, and show others God's love.

Jesus never promoted violence.  He told us to love even our enemies and to turn the other cheek.  He didn't condemn people but brought his message of love and peace so that others might be saved.  He even saved and befriended a prostitute.

Jesus didn't separate himself from others but associated with prostitutes, tax collectors, barkeeps (publicans), the sick, lepers, the possessed, and the dispossessed.  He sent his message not only to the Jews but also to the Gentiles.  He didn't show disrespect to people of other faiths but encouraged them to follow him.  This is far from the Hellfire and brimstone attacks that occur at the hands of well meaning Christians.  The condemnation is what drives so many away from the good news that Jesus brought us.  Instead of rallying for war, we should love our enemies and call them to peace.  We should give credit where credit is due and I feel that we should give credit to Putin for helping to avert WWIII.  If we acknowledge the good in our enemies, they might come to acknowledge the good in us, forming a cornerstone for peace between our countries.  Don't forget that Russia was our ally in WWII and helped us to defeat the Nazis.  Remember, Jesus said, "Blessed be the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God."  Spread peace my friends.s Christians we are supposed to fight a spiritual fight for peace, not a physical one.  Even as the signs or "birth pains" point to Christ's return, we are to continue steadfastly to work for peace, feed and clothe the poor, and show others God's love.

Jesus never promoted violence.  He told us to love even our enemies and to turn the other cheek.  He didn't condemn people but brought his message of love and peace so that others might be saved.  He even saved and befriended a prostitute.

Jesus didn't separate himself from others but associated with prostitutes, tax collectors, barkeeps (publicans), the sick, lepers, the possessed, and the dispossessed.  He sent his message not only to the Jews but also to the Gentiles.  He didn't show disrespect to people of other faiths but encouraged them to follow him.  This is far from the Hellfire and brimstone attacks that occur at the hands of well meaning Christians.  The condemnation is what drives so many away from the good news that Jesus brought us.  Instead of rallying for war, we should love our enemies and call them to peace.  We should give credit where credit is due and I feel that we should give credit to Putin for helping to avert WWIII.  If we acknowledge the good in our enemies, they might come to acknowledge the good in us, forming a cornerstone for peace between our countries.  Don't forget that Russia was our ally in WWII and helped us to defeat the Nazis.  Remember, Jesus said, "Blessed be the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God."  Spread peace my friends.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Syrian War Poem

Syrian War Poem
by Cal Jennings

Off on yonder distant sands
The stage is being set
For a frightful holy war
Thst one won't soon forget
That is, if one is left to tell
The miseries of war
Perhaps if one does find a home
Upon a distant star
For on the face of Mother Earth
No life will be maintained
As radiation falls to earth
Upon a weary rain
Blood will flow like rivers swollen
Full of body parts
Our neighbor, moon, will turn blood red
The stars will fall like darts
Not one person will escape
by plane or train or car
All because the drum did beat
A-rum-tum-tum for war

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

War with Syria?

I guess things were getting too peaceful for the Obama administration.  It seems that now our president wants to bomb Syria because Syrians were bombing Syria.  That makes perfect sense, right?  

The claim is that President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons on his own people.  There are counter claims that the rebels are the ones who used the chemical weapons.  

None of the matters to the president, though.  What really matters is that he keeps the Orwellian perpetual war going.

Years ago, America decided between a consumer economy and a military economy and chose the latter.  It is war and war mongering that keeps the economy going because of that choice.  If you dare to speak out against war and violence you are hated and attacked by the powers that be.  If you dare to protest, our government will use its own chemical weapons in the form of pepper spray on you, even though it is your right.  All the while, millions of women are teaching their children that going to war is honorable.  It's not.  It's a bloody massacre filled with the death of innocent men, women, and children... not to mention the servicemen and servicewomen on both sides.

It's extremely unpopular to be a peacemaker in America.  This "Christian Nation" is so blood thirsty that it doesn't seem to understand that Christ spoke against war, hatred, and revenge.  Even the Apostle Paul spoke against it.

Romans 12:17-20

New International Version (NIV)
17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”[a] says the Lord. 20 On the contrary:
“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
    if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”[b]


  1. Romans 12:19 Deut. 32:35
  2. Romans 12:20 Prov. 25:21,22
How can we dare call ourselves a Christian nation when we are doing the exact opposite of what Christ would have us do?  Even those who aren't Christians should be able to see the logic in this.  Violence begets violence so causing more violence isn't going to do a thing to stop violence.  Yes, Syrians killed Syrians so why should we go kill more Syrians in the name of being "peacemakers?"  America needs to get out of the war business and mind its own business at home.

Monday, September 2, 2013

This 'n' That

My mom got home from the hospital yesterday.  She had extremely high blood pressure so they kept her a couple days to try to get it under control.  She's doing fine now.  They had to change one of her medications.

As luck would have it, either my mom lost her wallet or it was stolen from her purse.  Both her ATM card and mine were in her wallet.  Now we have to go down to the bank and cancel both of the cards.  That means we'll have to withdraw cash to pay for groceries in a few days.  It's not a big deal but it's a hassle.

This vertigo keeps making the screen appear to move, so it's difficult to write anything.  That along with my blurred vision makes it even worse.  I need to get to an opthalmologist to have these cataracts looked at.  I just hope my insurance covers it.

Yes, I'm typing completely random thoughts.  Since I'm pretty much confined to the house, I have nothing interesting to write about.  Since the doctors can't operate on me because my heart is too weak still, I have to live with the physical problems caused by the surgical screw-ups.  I can't even help my mom bring in the groceries because of the surgical hernia.  It makes me feel pretty weak and useless.  I guess I am.

I had really wanted to make a zombie film with Karen's niece and her friends but I don't know if that's going to be a go now that Karen dumped me.  It would have been fun just to make a low budget film.  Karen's niece was writing the script.  She's a very intelligent young woman.  She reminds me of a young Katy Anders in more ways than one.

It is hard for me to find purpose in my life right now.  I think I've alienated just about everyone.  Looking forward, I don't see much of a future.  Maybe my sister will end up sticking me in a nursing home where I will rot away until I die.  I've already spent a day in one and don't look forward to being in there longer.  Sometimes I wish God would be merciful and just take me in my sleep.

Love, Hope, Peace, and Christ be with you,
