Sunday, October 20, 2013

Brain Atrophy?

The CAT Scan of my brain showed some atrophy but no blockage or other problems. Atrophy? Does that mean I'm not exercising my brain enough? If I exercised it anymore it would surely explode. That's all I DO is think

Maybe I'm thinking about the wrong things? I haven't done any math for awhile and I quit thinking about sex altogether. SEX! THAT must be it. It's not NORmal for a man not to think about sex... not that I was normal, but I DID used to think about sex... a lot! Let that be a lesson to you men. If you stop thinking about sex your brain will atrophy!


Unknown said...

I don't think it's lack of brain use that is causing the problem.

Have you been boxing?

Space Eagle said...

I haven't fought since I was in my 30s. Perhaps the lack fnblood flow to my heart? At least the stent opened things up a bit and my heart is getting some nourishing blood. Perhaps that and my future procedures will help even more?