Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Spanish Banks Charging Commission for Donations to Haiti

I received this twitter from Antonio_Jose_87:

"In Spain the banks receive from you 7 Euros if you do a donation for Haiti. They are taking advantage of the good people. I feel defrauded"

I decided to look and see if there was any news about it. �I was able to find this:


"Some Spanish Banks are charging commission on donations to Haiti - big news network

This is a discussion on Some Spanish Banks are charging commission on donations to Haiti - big news network within the The News From Spain, Spanish news in English , Many consumers groups have issued warnings to the public Following reports that some Spanish banks have been charging commissions on donations for Haiti, several consumers associations, including Facu... [Only Registered ..."

Since I'm not registered there, I can't see the whole story, but the greed of the bankers does not surprise me.

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