Friday, January 22, 2010

I got this in my email from Spirit One "Christian" Center

Roeder Trial -
Juror Selection -
The Religious Raping of Christians as Prospective Jurors

Christians Need Not Apply

Today, January 22nd, 2010, begins the trial of Scott Roeder in the shooting death of abortionist, George Tiller. There have been over 100 media credential requests to cover the trial.

On the same day as the "anniversary" of the Supreme Court decision known as Roe V. Wade. Providence anyone?

I have had the opportunity to visit and exchange letters with Scott on several occasions. Yes, Scott's method was wrong and his motive was right. The mother and father are the most culpable (though a pretty good case could be made that the silent, apathetic, crossless, its about me, Church of the Lord Jesus is even more so). Even so, all Americans have a fundamental right to a fare and just trial by a jury of their peers (not their ideological enemies.)


I received a copy of the "questionnaire" given to the potential jurors. It has, not 10, not 50, not 70, but 88 questions. There is one section on "religion" alone. It has seven questions, just on religion.

What is your religious affiliation/denomination, if any?
Do you attend a place of worship, i.e., Church, Temple, etc.? If yes, state where and how often?
If applicable, do you participate in other activities in your place of worship? If yes, please state the type of activities and how frequently:
If married or living with a mate, please describe their religious preference:
If applicable, does your place of worship and/or particular denomination take an official stand on the practice of abortion?
How would you rate the importance of your religious beliefs in your day to day life? Utmost important, Very important, Somewhat important, Not important at all
Do you have any principles based on religious or ethical teaching or dogma that would affect your ability to serve as a fair and impartial juror? If yes, please explain.
If you are a Christian, and reading these questions and this does not make you blood boil, then check for a spiritual pulse.

Can you imagine any other case in which such questions would be asked? Can you imagine any judge allowing such questions to be asked?

These are 7 questions that all SHOUT the same thing, "CHRISTIANS NEED NOT APPLY."

In other words, if you are a Christian, you can not be a juror in this case. End of story.

So there you have it, in black and white. Christians can not serve on juries (at least in this case) simply because they are Christian.

In fact, they won't let you serve if your "mate" is a Christian. Can you imagine in any other scenario where you are asked of your "mates" religious affiliation?? UNBELIEVABLE!!

The last question, "Do you have any principles based on religious or ethical teaching or dogma that would affect your ability to serve as a fair and impartial juror? Did you get that? If you have "dogma" (i.e. your pro-life) then you can't serve.

They even have the gull to say that if you have ETHICS, you can't serve!

Where does all ethics come from? The Lord and His the only source!

So if you don't have religious (i.e. Christian) teaching and if you don't have ethics, then you can serve. And isn't that what we need in jurors, people without ethics?

Not only do they want to know if you are religious, and if you are ethical, and if you are taught "dogma," the want to know HOW religious are you? When does any government of a free people have the right or need to ask such a question of anyone for any reason?? I think the only reason they didn't ask how many children they have, or whether their belly button is an "inny or outy" is because they didn't think of it.

Think of it, all this for a man who has already admitted to the shooting!? Hmmm.

Judge Wilbert (reported to be a pro-life Catholic, kinda like Kennedy, Sabilius, Pelosi, etc., etc., etc., etc.) said, "This will not become a trial about the abortion issue." Yeah, and the NFL playoffs are not about winning, they are about male bonding.

Judge Wilbert, you will do your level best to keep it from being about abortion (the shedding of the innocent blood of little baby boys and girls) but it is about that, and everyone knows that it is.

Judge Wilbert, the world will speak well of you.

Judge Wilbert, you would obviously never allow a Spirit One Christian to serve on this jury. You see, we have ethics.

Pastor Mark
Spirit One Christian Center
We teach "dogma"

Attend your favorite, NON seeker friendly church this week. America will not survive if you don't. - Pastor Mark

Pastor Mark E. Holick
Spirit One Christian Center
Wichita, Kansas

I wonder if he's related to Alk E. Holick?

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